
Absurd Abundance: Part Three of Three

Absurd Abundance: Part Three of Three

When was the last time you considered the sun rising...every day...after day?  Is this not an absurd abundance of generosity we constantly take for granted. Read a little more just how much amazing abundance surrounds us, and then who knows, you might just want to watch the next sunrise.

Average and not in control

Average and not in control

You are average and you are not in control. Is there any more contradictory statement in our culture today. I mean, your awesome, extraordinary, able to control and do everything...right? Is this really true, and how does this really make you feel? Anxious, Powerful? Let's take an honest and truthful look at this together.



Self-control, also known as self-discipline, is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23).  It is something that humans have struggled with since Adam and Eve couldn’t exercise it in the garden.  This everything-at-your-fingertips-immediately, me-first culture we now live in makes it harder and harder to exercise self-control.  We are constantly being bombarded with “do what makes YOU happy”.  But this is so contrary to how God calls us to live.

Conquering 2016 Series: Tale Two

Conquering 2016 Series: Tale Two

It was close to hour six of our ten-mile, eleven-hour hike over the Columbine Pass that Romans 1:20 resonated with me.  At that time, we were at approximately 11,000 feet, and the 12,000 foot pass was right around the corner. It could have been my fatigue getting the best of me, but I really believe it was the Holy Spirit putting praise in my heart for the glory of God through His creation. Every few steps I would look around and audibly say, “Wow”.  The beauty, height, and power of the mountain gave me a glimpse into the eternal power and divine nature of God.

Forging 2016 Series: Tale Two

Forging 2016 Series: Tale Two

Will the way we see the world always be the same...and should it? Forging new lenses through which we see the world, our communities, and the we it affects how we live our lives is one of the main pillars of the VLA forging trip.