
The importance of portion control

The importance of portion control

Portion control. What it is: an understanding of how much a serving size of food is and how many calories or how much food energy a serving contains. What it ISN'T: everyone only eating one serving of things at a time according to the nutritional facts label. So what do we do with this knowledge? Well, I am glad you asked.



Self-control, also known as self-discipline, is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23).  It is something that humans have struggled with since Adam and Eve couldn’t exercise it in the garden.  This everything-at-your-fingertips-immediately, me-first culture we now live in makes it harder and harder to exercise self-control.  We are constantly being bombarded with “do what makes YOU happy”.  But this is so contrary to how God calls us to live.