
Conquering 2021 PART II

Conquering 2021 PART II

Since our inaugural summit in 2012, we have conquered Wheeler Peak over half a dozen times and in our seekers lives for over 10 years. 2021 saw us conquer afresh with our 2 seeker girls, and then with four of our venerated once and future seekers from the past decade. See, read, and learn why VLA continues to build productive leaders through Christ, the outdoors, and a holistic lifelong lifestyle.

Forging 2016 Series: Final Tale

Forging 2016 Series: Final Tale

The final tale in our Forging 2016 series ends in an epic tribute and summit of Wheeler Peak.  But what does forging conquerors really mean? Is in only in victory, or in something more that we conquer? This tale shows us that only those in the arena will know.

Breaking the Sound of Silence

Breaking the Sound of Silence

Ten thousand people, maybe more, people talking without speaking, people hearing without listening... as big as the world has become, as crowded as it has become, our ability to become isolated in the crowd or lost in the masses has increased with it.  And yet, deep inside our souls, we are begging to break that isolation, that silence; and in doing so have our voices heard, have someone recognize we are there, and really listen to us.  For it is in this acknowledgement we become fully known, we start to heal or progress in our lives, and when we finally truly find joy.

Vanity's Gift

Vanity's Gift

Fame, power, riches, strength, a name remembered,

all vanity, all meaningless.

So what then is vanity trying to whisper to us when we are quiet enough to hear? A gift.

Less is MORE

Less is MORE

We are inundated every day with commercials and advertisements that preach to us about all of the products, food, clothing, makeup… that we absolutely “can’t live without!” Even in doing the “Christian” things such as the act of going to church, prayer, and hanging out with Christian friends doesn’t fully sustain us. So what will?