Forging 2016 Series: Tale Three

Forge- v:
to form or bring into being especially by an expenditure of effort
to move forward slowly and steadily
to move with a sudden increase of speed and power

Day 1 of the Forging trip, Grant provided us with these definitions of “forge”. These definitions are seemingly contradictory, right? So strange.. but how telling of the Lord’s sovereignty in our lives. Paradoxical. Mysterious. Complete.

As the newest member of the Veritas family, this was not only my first time experiencing the beauty of mountains in the summertime, it was also my first time backpacking! The first day’s hike was trying, for sure. Unsteady with a strange weight on my back and giddy for an adventure to a new unknown destination, we began our trek up the first mountain toward Wheeler! Former Veritas Seeker/Current Veritas leader Mia and I stuck together and had some serious bonding with selfies, laughter, frequent stops in the shade, tears, prayer, buckling knees, and increasing shortness of breath. This day’s hike falls in line with our first and second definition of forge, “to move forward slowly and steadily.” One foot at a time. One breath at a time… Pushing ourselves and each other, while also taking in the beauty of insane, unbelievable views.

Browse more Forging photos here!

We made it to Lost Lake. And, I cannot explain to you the majesty of the Lord that was revealed to me in that place. Let me pause to explain a tidbit about myself here: I approached the hike in the same way I approach new movies or books. I am the type of person who does not watch trailers or read the synopsis on the backs of books. I like surprises! LOVE them. And what an incredible surprise the Lord had for me in the creation of Lost Lake.


The next day, I found a perfect spot to hang my Kammok hammock between two trees by the water, and spent some time with the Lord overlooking the lake. I will never forget the time spent there in my hammock: more sweet and intimate than any of the well-produced worship sets or prayer meetings in which I have connected with Jesus. In these moments, the second definition of forge, “to move with a sudden increase of speed and power,” flowed out onto the pages of my journal.

Engrossed in the melody of trickling water, with the breeze tickling my face. Sun shining. Snow glistening. Critters scurrying. Life growing and thriving under the provision of our Creator.

Even now… back in the bustling and tragic life of lattes, alarms, war, murder and Pokemon Go, my heart has been sneaking away to my hammock at Lost Lake. It’s two weeks later and I think I am still high on the second gift that comes in forging: speed, power and creativity that can only come when paired with the sweaty, gasping, “expenditure of effort” that is forging in the joy of His creation.