New Mexico

Forging 2016 Series: Tale One

Forging 2016 Series: Tale One

The first tale in our short series discussing the momentous achievements, struggles, and even failures we overcame and experienced on our 2016 Forging trip to Red River, NM.  Join us in this first tale as we discovered what it means to bear each other's burdens, and have our souls flourish through the struggle.



On a day we set aside for remembering, we also want to take a look at what that means. And shouldn't it be more than one day?  VLA thinks so, and we have trips put in place for just that sort of thing.


Perhaps it’s not best to start an update on our current trip with, “Welllll…. They're Alive!” but, hey, it’s true (the worst was just some altitude headaches and blisters) and we call that success!* No worries, nothing concerning has happened, no close calls or near-deaths, just plain old fashioned adventure! Our three male Seekers, Grant and Veritas volunteer, David Wilder, are currently exploring mountains and rivers and valleys in New Mexico, and they are having a GRAND time. A Rio Grande time, that is! Yesterday they swam across the Rio Grande after hiking down into Box Canyon, and… They're alive! Okay, okay.. joking aside, they had a wonderful time and enjoyed it immensely, but I’m going to stop there and let them fill you in on the details themselves when they get back. For now I’ll just tell you a bit about today (Sunday, June 28)!

The crew reach the top of the Beast!
The crew reach the top of the Beast!

Today was about conquering the beast, Wheeler Peak. Our guys mastered all 13,167 feet to the top and had a QUICK victory rest before having to immediately descend due to the sudden onset of a storm (not unusual in the mountains!). So this crew of five picked up their feet and raced the storm to the bottom of the mountain, barely making it to the tree line when the hail hit! Have you ever been pelted by hail? Hail hits hard, you know. :) Anyway, they made it down safely and… yep, they're alive! ;)


Sometimes the fastest way down is sledding. When you don’t have a sled, you just.. you know, use your feet!


Tomorrow they’re heading to Taos to take on the 17-mile whitewater adventure called “THE BOX.” They will raft down 60 rapids, 13 of which are class 3 or more, which means they will all have to work together in one accord to maneuver the river. Tuesday they will drive out to Great Sand Dunes National Park for an afternoon of sand boarding and sledding on the glorious mountains of sand in south Colorado.

Keep your eyes peeled for another blog from their perspective coming soon!!

* We take the safety of our crew/participants very seriously and have no intentions of putting anyone in harm’s way!  Nature just has a way of testing your limits, and your preparedness; so, yay for having the right gear, fitness, and will to get it done.