
Forging 2016 Series: Final Tale

Forging 2016 Series: Final Tale

The final tale in our Forging 2016 series ends in an epic tribute and summit of Wheeler Peak.  But what does forging conquerors really mean? Is in only in victory, or in something more that we conquer? This tale shows us that only those in the arena will know.

Forging 2016 Series: Tale Two

Forging 2016 Series: Tale Two

Will the way we see the world always be the same...and should it? Forging new lenses through which we see the world, our communities, and the we it affects how we live our lives is one of the main pillars of the VLA forging trip.

Forging 2016 Series: Tale One

Forging 2016 Series: Tale One

The first tale in our short series discussing the momentous achievements, struggles, and even failures we overcame and experienced on our 2016 Forging trip to Red River, NM.  Join us in this first tale as we discovered what it means to bear each other's burdens, and have our souls flourish through the struggle.

Small Service

Small Service

We have been imprinted by our creator to feel a connection to our fellow man. One that calls us to reach out, to help, to seek ways to serve those we are closest to, our community, and really to all those who are less fortunate or in need. These are 5 small acts of service our Seekers answered when called.



On a day we set aside for remembering, we also want to take a look at what that means. And shouldn't it be more than one day?  VLA thinks so, and we have trips put in place for just that sort of thing.