Veritas life

Practicing the Art of Giving

Practicing the Art of Giving

Practice, difficulty, sacrifice. Not exactly the words we think of when we picture art and giving in our minds. Yet, through these, giving becomes the gift that keeps on giving. Resulting in not only an impact in your own life, but the lives of those who benefit from the gift.

Forging 2016 Series: Final Tale

Forging 2016 Series: Final Tale

The final tale in our Forging 2016 series ends in an epic tribute and summit of Wheeler Peak.  But what does forging conquerors really mean? Is in only in victory, or in something more that we conquer? This tale shows us that only those in the arena will know.

Forging 2016 Series: Tale Two

Forging 2016 Series: Tale Two

Will the way we see the world always be the same...and should it? Forging new lenses through which we see the world, our communities, and the we it affects how we live our lives is one of the main pillars of the VLA forging trip.

Being With Friends Is More Powerful Than Morphine

Being With Friends Is More Powerful Than Morphine

Ahhh friends, like the old saying goes, "Friends are better than morphine." Wait, what?  Yes you heard this right, and it has even been backed by science. Let Gary explain how life long relationships can do more than modern medicine ever could, do, or will.

Less is MORE

Less is MORE

We are inundated every day with commercials and advertisements that preach to us about all of the products, food, clothing, makeup… that we absolutely “can’t live without!” Even in doing the “Christian” things such as the act of going to church, prayer, and hanging out with Christian friends doesn’t fully sustain us. So what will?