


Fellow seekers, you WILL be influenced, the youth that will be our future WILL be influenced.  It is up to us to take action, encourage, call out, and see that the continual pull of self-destructive influences is pushed back with veritas (truth) flourishing messages instead.  The only question left is, how will you act?

Practicing the Art of Giving

Practicing the Art of Giving

Practice, difficulty, sacrifice. Not exactly the words we think of when we picture art and giving in our minds. Yet, through these, giving becomes the gift that keeps on giving. Resulting in not only an impact in your own life, but the lives of those who benefit from the gift.

Small Service

Small Service

We have been imprinted by our creator to feel a connection to our fellow man. One that calls us to reach out, to help, to seek ways to serve those we are closest to, our community, and really to all those who are less fortunate or in need. These are 5 small acts of service our Seekers answered when called.

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem!

A buzz phrase that has become more popular in various forms in recent generations such as YOLO (You only live once). However, as to that particular form and similar others, I feel we have lost some of Carpe Diem's deeper and richer meaning. It is an understanding of the truth, that your tomorrow has yet to be seen by you, but your story of today is determined by your current actions.

Awaken oh sleepers

Awaken oh sleepers

Teenagers who scale mountains, wake up at 5 a.m. on their own accord, cook and clean their own meals, research the mysterious of God, can it really be real?  Well our superstar Seekers showed that given the tools and the opportunities, they truly can excel. Come read how in our 2016 Awakening Trip Recap.