

Fellow seekers, you WILL be influenced, the youth that will be our future WILL be influenced.  It is up to us to take action, encourage, call out, and see that the continual pull of self-destructive influences is pushed back with veritas (truth) flourishing messages instead.  The only question left is, how will you act?

Average and not in control

Average and not in control

You are average and you are not in control. Is there any more contradictory statement in our culture today. I mean, your awesome, extraordinary, able to control and do everything...right? Is this really true, and how does this really make you feel? Anxious, Powerful? Let's take an honest and truthful look at this together.

T.M.M and VLA

T.M.M and VLA

Time. Moments. Milestones. Some themes of the sermon series my church is doing, and are the things that separate VLA from so many other programs.  They also happen to be timeless principles we are slowly losing on our upcoming generations.  See why these concepts are the key to taking tender loving care to a whole new level.

Being With Friends Is More Powerful Than Morphine

Being With Friends Is More Powerful Than Morphine

Ahhh friends, like the old saying goes, "Friends are better than morphine." Wait, what?  Yes you heard this right, and it has even been backed by science. Let Gary explain how life long relationships can do more than modern medicine ever could, do, or will.

Less is MORE

Less is MORE

We are inundated every day with commercials and advertisements that preach to us about all of the products, food, clothing, makeup… that we absolutely “can’t live without!” Even in doing the “Christian” things such as the act of going to church, prayer, and hanging out with Christian friends doesn’t fully sustain us. So what will?