happier life

Being With Friends Is More Powerful Than Morphine

Being With Friends Is More Powerful Than Morphine

Ahhh friends, like the old saying goes, "Friends are better than morphine." Wait, what?  Yes you heard this right, and it has even been backed by science. Let Gary explain how life long relationships can do more than modern medicine ever could, do, or will.

Tuesdays with Morrie

Tuesdays with Morrie

If you were dying, what would you reflect on? Gary found a great little book on a man who contemplates what truly matters when faced with his imminent death, and his ideas on real life giving sources are both inspiring and convicting. 

How Your Teen Can Live A Longer, Happier Life

How Your Teen Can Live A Longer, Happier Life

Can you be an individual and a selfless giver? Well yes, and it will help live a longer happier life. VLA explains how.