hard work

Awaken oh sleepers

Awaken oh sleepers

Teenagers who scale mountains, wake up at 5 a.m. on their own accord, cook and clean their own meals, research the mysterious of God, can it really be real?  Well our superstar Seekers showed that given the tools and the opportunities, they truly can excel. Come read how in our 2016 Awakening Trip Recap.

Introducing "30 Days of Veritas"

By David Valentine, co-founder of Rethinkand partner/practitioner of the Veritas Lifestyle and Veritas Life Adventures

Lose 30 pounds in 30 days! No working out required just take this pill and

Who doesn’t want the quick fix? Would you really try to accomplish any goal if some omnipotent narrator said, “You can have what you want, but…it’s going to require 7 years of extremely hard work, and not a day less. You’re going to have to get up every day and it will be grueling. There will be moments when you feel like you can’t get out of bed, but if you stick with it, you’ll have what you want.”

Veritas is centered around discovering and living out truth in every area of our lives. Grant often breaks it down into three smaller pieces or our lives: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Any time you speak with Grant Boatwright, you walk away with a keen awareness of his acute intentionality in each of these areas.

One thing we’ve discussed on a regular basis is how Veritas is for everyone. The Veritas lifestyle is not just for high school students, but also for everyone everywhere who longs for a deeper, more fulfilling life. The question is how do we invite people to join us?


What is 30 Days Of Veritas?

There are a healthy number of sources that agree it takes 21 days to create or break a habit. Grant observed, oftentimes we’re trying to change our habits first and foremost to create the life we long for. 30 Days Of Veritas is a program Grant and I co-created to help people [read: you] form new habits and begin a new life.

We believe 30 difficult, intense days can be the catalyst to change your life in profound, long-lasting ways. Grant and I believe you can do anything for 30 days.

Of course, as with anything, a good guinea pig helps work out the kinks of the program before we launch it to you. This is where I, David, have the opportunity to shine. On Monday, May 26, I started sharing my first 30 Days Of Veritas. I’m focusing on the physical aspects of my life, because I’m in desperate need of some change.

I’m an entrepreneur who works 60+ hours a week, a dad to an 18-month-old, and a husband. My life is so jam-packed, I’ve found it difficult to take care of my body the way I want to. So I’ve been enduring two-a-day workouts during the first week of my 30 days to jump-start my metabolism.

You can watch my progress over the next 30 days on all of the Veritas social media channels.

I’ll be honest…doing all of this publicly is more than a little intimidating to me. There are really few things more private than your weight, because it’s often tied to deep emotional and spiritual wounds. I hope you’ll follow my progress, and on July 1st I hope you’ll join a growing number of people who want to partake in #30daysofveritas.